Thursday, May 6, 2021

Best laparoscopic surgeon in chennai

The medical field has been revolutionised by laparoscopic surgery, performed by the best laparoscopic surgeon in Chennai. Laparoscopy refers to a procedure on the abdomen or pelvis conducted with the help of a camera and small incisions; keyhole surgery or thoracoscopic surgery refers to an operation on the chest or chest cavity performed with the help of a camera and small incisions.

Laparoscopy surgery, also known as keyhole surgery, is a minimally invasive diagnostic procedure used to treat a variety of diseases and disorders. It normally eliminates cases where conventional non-invasive diagnosis and imaging methods fail to reveal any specific causes for a disease. It's a low-risk operation that looks at the appendix, gallbladder, pancreas, liver, and other pelvic organs.

Laparoscopic surgery entails making small incisions in the human body into which a tubular device known as a surgical telescope is inserted to help with the procedure. The world of surgery is usually apparent by inflating the patient's abdomen with CO2. With the aid of a camera device in the OT, the laparoscope transmits images of the abdomen to a video display.

The length of the incision determines the severity of pain in the postoperative period. Since it is so small, the patient is more at ease and feels less discomfort, even at very low painkiller dosages.

Patients are mobilised quickly and are able to resume routine activities faster. As a result of the shorter hospital stay, the risk of deep vein thrombosis is lower.

Since patients are in less pain, they are able to perform deep breathing exercises. Early oral intake is facilitated by increased gut motility. Scar is smaller, smoother, and healthier.

Surgical Infection: In laparoscopic surgery, it has been observed that improved system preservation has resulted in less infectious complications.

Friday, April 30, 2021

Find Multispeciality Hospital in Chennai

A multispecialty hospital in Chennai provides care for a wide variety of illnesses and diseases, as well as a highly trained team of doctors and specialists. Our employees are dedicated to providing quality services and exceptional hospitality. We are actively working to provide our patients with the most basic medical innovation and repair efficiency. With the aim of offering comprehensive healthcare under one roof, all modern facilities and complicated medical equipment are available.

With the changing demands and situations of our time, the multispeciality hospital has evolved as well. Healthcare administrations' systems and strategies have also evolved and become significantly more modernised.

Because all the facilities are under an equal roof it's easy to urge treatments for various diseases without having to visit different locations and hospitals. It saves you a significant amount of time and money, as well as a variety of other resources.

For different procedures and coverings, there is a variety of equipment and, as a result, the most up-to-date technology available. Surgeons, Physicians, and Doctors with a heart for care are in charge.

Multispecialty systems typically have an atmosphere that facilitates and encourages coordination and collaboration among departments so that patients receive the best treatment and care possible. This type of device is particularly useful for patients who have a variety of medical conditions and problems.

An outsized multispecialty practise increases the likelihood of a successful surgery because they need the entire infrastructure and, as a result, support teams capable of handling any unexpected problems that might occur. They need the ability to deal with a wide range of medical issues.

Wednesday, April 28, 2021

Laparoscopic surgery safe and effective treatment

A minimally invasive procedure is laparoscopic surgery, also known as keyhole surgery. The only way to have a safe laparoscopic surgery is to find the best laparoscopic surgeon in Chennai. A small incision is made during the laparoscopy procedure to insert a tube. A light is connected to the tube. The light allows the surgeon to see inside the operated area more clearly. Laparoscopic surgery provides a more precise picture of the patient's disease. It is less painful to choose laparoscopic surgery over other surgical procedures.

Laparoscopic surgery may be performed by a camera-assisted laparoscopy to operate the abdominal or pelvic area. A laparoscope may be a long fibre optic cable, so the affected part can be viewed while the laparoscope can be inserted into the cavity on a much more accessible site.

Less painful and less bleeding are smaller incisions. Therefore, blood transfusion, medications that alleviate pain, and hence hospital stays are reduced. Minor incisions reduce the risk of incurred infections by minimising the exposure of internally developed bodies. This leads to a healthy and quick recovery, which means that the scars are also smaller.

Laparoscopic techniques are used not only for treatment, but also for diagnosis and prevention. This treatment gives the doctor a greater understanding of the patient's condition, allowing him to better manage emergencies and complications. These are particularly useful in the treatment of gynaecological and gallbladder problems.

It offers a precise evaluation. This is frequently highly valued by physicians because it aids in assessing the patient's specific illness. It also makes it easier to determine the care that is needed.

Laparoscopic surgery leaves the smallest scar possible. Laparoscopic surgery is relatively painless as compared to other major operations. The operation's invasive measures are kept to a bare minimum, resulting in minimal discomfort.

Many people consider the expense of a procedure when determining whether or not to get it done. Laparoscopic surgery, on the other hand, can be a win in certain respects. It is less expensive, less painful, and leaves little or no surgical marks.

Laparoscopic surgery is a quick procedure that can be completed in under an hour. Due to the wounds, the recovery time is also shortened, resulting in less surgical complications.

Monday, April 26, 2021

What Is the Role of a Pediatric Surgeon?

Pediatric surgery is a distinct surgical specialty offered by highly qualified Best general and pediatric surgeon in Chennai who have been formally trained in general surgery and then further trained in the intricacies of treating smaller or less fully formed patients, even those who have not yet been born, with specific surgical needs.

The path to becoming a pediatric surgeon is one of the most time-consuming and complex in the medical profession. If your child requires surgery, they will be cared for by some of the best specialized, educated, and skilled surgeons in the country.

Adult patients are not the same as children. Doctors find it difficult to communicate with them about medical conditions because they can't often explain what's going on. Depending on their age, they might not even be aware of what is going on.

Children's surgeons have the ability to make children feel at ease and interact with them. Pediatric surgeons are also interested in the diagnosis of diseases and the care of children before and after surgery.

Your child will be dressed in a hospital gown and given medicine to help them sleep (anesthesia). Either before or after your child has been anesthetized, you will leave the room.

You will be seated in a lounge while the operation is performed. As the operation continues, the surgeon or nurses will provide you with updates. As nerve-wracking as it can be, you want to wait until the procedure is completed and your child has awakened to learn how the surgery went. Some hospitals allow parents to stay in the emergency room with their children while they wake up.

Depending on the surgery and hence the hospital, your child can either stay in the hospital overnight or go home after waking up. The surgeon and nurses will talk to you about how to care for them afterward.

Saturday, April 24, 2021

What You Should Know About Laparoscopic Surgery for Infertility

Laparoscopy is a procedure that allows doctors to see through the abdomen and can be used for both diagnostic and therapeutic purposes. It only necessitates a small incision into the physical body, allowing the Best laparoscopic surgeon in Chennai to obtain a clear view of the internal structure and treat the problem with unparalleled ease.

Laparoscopy isn't the first line of care for infertility, and it's only recommended when all options have been exhausted. Laparoscopy surgery for infertility is a minor procedure that involves inserting an optic tube through the belly button to enable doctors to see a clear image of the cavity and pelvic reproductive organs. Only after all tests have failed to provide definitive results is a laparoscopy for infertility performed.

Laparoscopic surgery for infertility is done under general anesthesia, and you will be told not to eat for at least 8 hours prior to the procedure. As a result, the doctors will brace you for the procedure and will prescribe antibiotics if necessary. A few tiny incisions are made in your abdomen, and CO2 is injected into the incision to make space for the laparoscope to be inserted to view the pelvic organs.

In a few instances, Your Fallopian tube will be tested to determine its patency, and some tissue will be extracted for biopsy. The operation is done under general anesthesia, so you may experience soreness at the incision until the anesthesia wears off.

Few causes of infertility, such as a blocked Fallopian tube or endometriosis, can be quickly identified with laparoscopic surgery, which allows the doctor to see what's inside the abdomen, such as a cyst or fibroids. A laparoscopic surgery for infertility can help with a variety of infertility issues and gives you a much better chance of getting pregnant naturally or through fertility treatment.

Friday, April 23, 2021

Why did you opt for laparoscopic surgery?

A best laparoscopic surgeon in Chennai uses a thin device with an attached light and camera to help them see organ damage and disease more clearly.

A laparoscopy is a procedure in which a healthcare provider inserts a laparoscope into the abdomen through a small incision. They'll then use a catheter to get a better picture of the organs in the abdomen and pelvis.

Laparoscopic surgery is a modern surgical technique that promises to treat some underlying health problems in the pelvic region or abdomen in a less invasive and painful manner.

To treat diseases and conditions of the chest, abdomen, and pelvis, your surgeon may prescribe laparoscopy. Only if other treatment choices with a lower risk of complications are unsuccessful can the surgeon recommend a laparoscopy for you.

Your laparoscopy can take place in a hospital or an outpatient setting. The laparoscope will be inserted through a small incision made by your surgeon (cut). To determine the surgical area and insert additional instruments, more than one incision may be required.

The surgeon will then remove the majority of the CO2 from the abdomen, as well as all instruments, close the incisions with stitches, and cover the world with small bandages.

Traditional surgery necessitates weekly or longer hospital stays for recovery. Laparoscopic surgery, on the other hand, only allows a patient to stay in the hospital for two nights.

Larger incision wounds, especially in obese patients, increase the risk of infection by exposing internal organs to external pollutants. Minimally invasive laparoscopic surgery, on the other hand, leaves smaller wounds and makes one less vulnerable to infection.

Thursday, April 22, 2021

The Benefits of Choosing a Multispeciality Hospital in Chennai

A multispeciality hospital in Chennai is made up of doctors, surgeons, and other medical professionals from a variety of specialties who work together in the same hospital, company, or clinic. Patients receive comprehensive treatment that is effective, precise, and thorough thanks to collaboration among these specialists. The facilities, processes, and thus the programmes are all built to assist physicians in providing top-notch care to their patients.

Since the whole system is focused around the patient, the hospital ensures that all equipment needed to provide patients with the highest level of treatment is available.

Multispeciality hospitals are now chosen because they require an atmosphere in which doctors from different departments cooperate to provide patients with the most straightforward treatment and therefore the highest level of care. It's possible that an illness is caused by both underlying neurological and cardiological conditions.

Benefits of a multispeciality scheme include:

Multispeciality programmes typically provide an atmosphere that facilitates and encourages coordination and teamwork among the various departments such that patients receive the most straightforward treatment and therefore the highest standard of care. Patients with various medical conditions and complex disorders benefit the most from this type of method.

Patients benefit from a multispeciality framework because it functions as a one-stop shop. They haven't spent a lot of time making appointments with various doctors and explaining their problems to each of them. They will be scheduled for as many doctors as their case requires on an equal day and in an equivalent location. They'll organise the research and arrange for on-the-spot referrals and consultations.

Instead of waiting for results from one hospital and then moving the patient to another, experts from various fields will collaborate to diagnose, treat, and cure rare medical conditions.

An outsized multispeciality practise increases the likelihood of a successful surgery because they need the entire system and, as a result, support teams capable of dealing with any unexpected complications. They need the ability to handle a variety of medical issues.

Wednesday, April 21, 2021

Laparoscopic and robotic surgery complications

Despite the fact that laparoscopic and robotic procedures follow the same surgical concepts as open surgery, they are fundamentally different. The best laparoscopic surgeon in Chennai provides excellent treatment. Long rigid instruments are used to monitor, coagulate, and cut tissue. As a result, it necessitates rigorous preparation. By offering a three-dimensional surgical view, robotic surgery has solved these two challenges. In addition, lightweight, wristed instruments that imitate a surgeon's hand movements will be available. As a result, robotic surgery resembles traditional surgery rather than laparoscopic surgery. It also necessitates a more rapid learning curve.

Robotic surgery follows the same surgical concepts as laparoscopic surgery, and previous experience with laparoscopic surgery tends to reduce the risks associated with robotic surgery. Inadequate surgical experience associated with abdominal entry, use of electrosurgery, knowledge of anatomy, use of proper instrumentation, and adherence to the standards of minimally invasive surgery are the main causes of such complications.

Laparoscopic and robotic aided laparoscopic surgery was used in many oncological and reconstructive surgical procedures around the world. While the goals of the procedures and the outcomes obtained through the use of laparoscopic surgical techniques appear to be identical, the clinical effects of laparoscopy vary significantly from those of open surgery; thus, minimally invasive surgery necessitates the use of a specific anesthetic.

The abdomen and pelvis are inspected for pathology after reassurance of a non-traumatic abdominal entry. Endometriosis, pelvic cancer, and previous surgeries all lead to a distortion of the pelvic organs', blood vessels', ureters', and bowel's typical anatomy.

The pathophysiological changes that occur during laparoscopy and robotic surgery have been addressed previously. Most of these side effects are well tolerated in stable patients who receive proper anesthetic treatment. However, even in stable patients, unfavourable outcomes are possible. To avoid significant morbidity and mortality, complications should be managed carefully, and a planned crisis plan should be able to be implemented. Patients should be closely monitored in order to understand their current state, maintain stability, and prevent complications by receiving timely therapies.

Tuesday, April 20, 2021

A Quick Guide to Pediatric Surgery

The importance of pediatric surgery in the developing world is often denied by health programmes. Access to surgeons is viewed as a superfluous medical resource, instead of as a requirement and is therefore extremely reduced. The best general and pediatric surgeon in Chennai provide excellent treatment for newborns and adolescents. The demand in developing countries for surgery is actually remarkably high and therefore the lack of surgical care has very harmful consequences.

A pediatric surgeon treats diseases, accidents, and deformities in premature and newborn babies, teenagers, and adolescents through surgery. Pediatric surgeons diagnose and treat a wide range of diseases that affect children.

Any surgery conducted on a patient under the age of 18 is referred to as pediatric surgery. Although the idea of pediatric surgery is simple, the reality of dealing with a toddler who requires surgery is very different.

Take the time to learn about the care your child requires, why they are receiving it, and what other options might be available. You'll have to educate yourself about the whole surgical experience in addition to providing comfort for your kids. You'll also be their medical representative and make their decisions for them, so you'll have to educate yourself about the whole surgical experience.

As a parent, one of the most important things you can do is carefully choose the surgeon who will conduct the operation. Once you have found the right surgeon, you will have to determine how to best explain your child's events. Examines the medical history of the infant in relation to his or her growth and development. Pediatric surgeons decide when surgery is necessary and at what age it should be performed.

It educates children, parents and guardians of surgery how to prepare children for operation and what they can expect to support their age and development during the rehabilitation phase. Work closely with a medical doctor and other healthcare professionals and team members to provide you with optimal care

Monday, April 19, 2021

Best Ways to Enhance Your Recovery After laparoscopic Surgery

Everyone's recovery from laparoscopic surgery is unique. All recovers in their own way. The degree of surgery, the duration of surgery, the best laparoscopic surgeon in Chennai, and thus the facility all play a role in how someone recovers after laparoscopic surgery.

Usually, laparoscopy is performed under general anesthesia. The abdomen is crammed with CO2 gas because it's a "key-hole" with a small incision made near the belly button. The belly is lifted, giving the gynaecologist a clear view of the pelvic organs. The following details will answer frequently asked questions and will help you understand some of the common interactions you will have following your surgery.

It's just that easy for the majority of laparoscopic surgery patients. Others, on the other hand, must devote time and effort to caring for their incisions and their whole body following surgery in order to recover rapidly. Here are some pointers on how to be the patient who recovers rapidly, safely, and more quickly than the surgeon expected.

Laparoscopy is usually done on a day-to-day basis, but if the procedure is complicated or lengthy, an overnight stay may be needed. Your hospital stay can be prolonged by several days if you have a bowel resection or partial bowel resection. It may take a few days for some people to recover from a laparoscopy, while others may take several weeks.

There are no defined guidelines for operation following laparoscopic procedures. In certain cases, your doctor can advise you to refrain from driving for two weeks. Start driving only when you are confident in your ability to stop the car in an emergency; otherwise, have someone else drive you. Swimming and swimming will also be prohibited. If you believe you are capable, you will follow the steps. When beginning a regular exercise programme after surgery, use caution and progressively increase your operation.

One of the most important things you can do to ensure a positive result from your treatment is to avoid infection. One of the easiest and most important things you can do during your recovery is to wash your hands before touching your incision.

Saturday, April 17, 2021

The Most Advanced Multispeciality Hospital in Chennai

The Multispeciality Hospital in Chennai offers a large space for all forms of medical procedures. It is regarded as the strongest among the other top hospitals in Chennai due to its use of cutting-edge technology in the treatment of illnesses and world-class facilities. One of our guiding principles is to treat patients with compassion and determination; we provide one of the most basic infrastructure and medical services to all or any of the patients who come to our hospital.

Hospital design and construction are combined with current medical technologies and coverings. Doctors, medical practitioners, and non-medical personnel are all working together to improve and provide quality care to patients. We provide super speciality services to patients and maintain very high quality when it comes to overall patient care, in addition to being one of the best multispeciality hospital in Chennai.

We believe in delivering high-quality healthcare at a reasonable price. We have always stayed up and adopted ourselves to the advancements and research and development in the health sector because it helps us to better serve our patients.

A multi-specialty hospital is professionally run and fully equipped with the most up-to-date and advanced machines, the best medical services, and highly trained specialty specialists. The hospital is dedicated to providing the most basic medical and health-care service options.

The Multispecialty Hospital recognises that an emergency can occur at any time. We've assembled an in-house panel of physicians, including an orthopaedic surgeon, a physician, a paediatrician, a gynaecologist, a general surgeon, a dentist, a nutritionist, and a physiotherapist, to address the critical nature of such circumstances. In this core group, we will ensure the well-being of our patients as well as a high-quality care service.

Monday, April 12, 2021

Pick the best laparoscopic surgeon in Chennai

Surgery for Laparoscopy The medical field has been revolutionised by "Modern Surgical Art" by the best laparoscopic surgeon in Chennai. An abdomen or pelvic operation performed using a small-incision camera is called laparoscopy and is called a keyhole operation or a thoracoscopic operation when performed on the chest cavity.

Laparoscopic operation is an infectious procedure, also known as a keyhole operation. The doctor performs a small incision to insert a tube during the laparoscopy procedure. The tube is equipped with a light. The sunshine helps the surgeon inside the operated area to urge a much better visual image. The dense precision of the patient's disease is provided through laparoscopic surgery. The choice of a laparoscopic intervention is less painful than other operations.

However, special professional skills are required to deal with the operation without any complications. Not only doctors are on site, but also technical personnel who can handle surgical equipment and devices. If a laparoscopic operation for any diseases or conditions is being proposed, seek assistance with the simplest laparoscopic surgeon in Chennai. We have a team of consultants and surgeons to help you determine your current status to be treated world-class.

With the most hygienic atmosphere, sterilized and clean supplies, and qualified doctors and support staff for the most basic services, we ensure the health and safety of our patients. Our team of laparoscopic surgeons in Chennai is dedicated to ensuring a smooth and stress-free operation, so you won't have anything to worry about once you visit us.

We pride ourselves on being the best laparoscopic surgeons in the world, with international certifications for our laparoscopic department, cutting-edge infrastructure, and highly qualified doctors to care for you. Laparoscopic surgeries are also possible with our devices and machines. We never act on you one-on-one or on the basis of a single prescription. We often have medical consultation from a variety of specialists prior to surgery to ensure you receive the most straightforward care possible.

Saturday, April 10, 2021

What to Try Before and After Laparoscopic Surgery

Laparoscopy surgery, also known as keyhole surgery, is a minimally invasive diagnostic technique that is primarily used to treat various diseases and conditions. You and your doctor agreed to have laparoscopic surgery. During this procedure, the best laparoscopic surgeon in Chennai made incisions in the abdomen and use surgical instruments to discard or treat diseased tissue.

Everyone's experience with laparoscopic surgery is unique. Based on our perceptions, the scope of the operation, the duration of the surgery, the surgeon, the strength, the nursing staff, how we respond to pain, and a number of other factors, each person will have a unique experience.

Before Surgery

Laparoscopy diagnoses are typically given within 4-5 hours, and many patients stay for less than 24 hours. However, in cases where a patient has a critical medical record and the surgery is complex, the length of stay can be several days. In either case, there are a few things patients can do to organise themselves better and smarter.

Clear your mind of all doubts:

Patients are understandably apprehensive and afraid of surgery. Patients must note, though, that talking about their fears is an excellent way to heal from any anxiety. For example, a patient may be concerned about the pain that the invasion may cause. The patient and the surgeon must discuss an equivalent.

What makes you want to visit the hospital?

Pack loose-fitting clothes for after surgery, ideally without a waistband. It's appropriate to wear an oversized pullover shirt. Mini-pads, gloves, and slip-on shoes or house slippers are also recommended.

Preparation of the Bowel:

A bowel preparation is often ordered the night before surgery by the surgeon. The procedure varies, but it normally involves a change of diet and a variety of bowel preparations. This isn't always a pleasant experience, but it's important if you plan on doing some bowel movements.

After Surgery

The laparoscopic operation requires minor incisions and only general anaesthesia in patients. The treatment does, however, include the injection of CO2 gas into the abdominal region through the incision. This inflates the abdomen and makes it easier to diagnose by allowing the laparoscope to travel freely. In certain cases, the surgeon can need to make further incisions in order to properly diagnose and treat the patient. During the first few hours after receiving the diagnosis, patients can experience some pain and nausea. Patients should feel free to express their worries to physicians.

Pain of the shoulders

The following shoulders are one of the most disturbing things about laparoscopy. The CO2 gas is often caused by a diaphragm being trapped. Heat and pain relievers often provide relief.

Get Assist

It will be difficult to perform repetitive tasks with the same ease as before for a few weeks. Doctors caution against driving since it involves bearing a heavy load. The easiest option is to hire an aide for a few weeks to keep an eye on vital items like food, groceries, and so on.

Friday, April 9, 2021

The Best Multispeciality Hospital in Chennai

Medical centres fitted with infrastructure and facilities to treat patients suffering from a variety of diseases, whether medical or surgical, are referred to as multispecialty hospital in Chennai. Since both doctors and surgeons are involved, patients receive treatment from the doctor they need under one roof.

The most significant benefit of such facilities is that doctors can easily collaborate and synchronise the treatment path for patients, resulting in more thorough care and faster recovery. The infrastructure of the hospital, and therefore the built-in structures, promote and facilitate collaboration.

The atmosphere of communication and teamwork in these multispecialty hospital benefits patients the most, particularly those with multiple problems. The system makes it simple to call in and ask experts questions as needed. Other patients who come in with a single issue but experience problems during treatment benefit from this partnership as well.

Patients do not need to be transferred from one hospital to another in order to receive care for multiple conditions and complications that may occur during treatment. Experts and specialists are available at all times for referral and care continuity as required.

Patients in need of surgery will find these hospitals particularly welcoming. A surgery necessitates post-operative care and is fraught with the risk of complications unrelated to the procedure. These hospitals are prepared to handle such situations and provide excellent post-operative care.

Thursday, April 8, 2021

multispeciality hospital in chennai

multispeciality hospital in chennai has become one of the best treatments available for individuals worldwide. Each and every year thousands are regarded or go on a relaxing break throughout chennai.

Nothing has been recognized as the best clinic. That alone varies based on what will be their real issue but are their best surgeons.

Each surgeon as well as professionals is concerned in this primarily with patient satisfaction wellness. Yet another leader of everyone’s community must have been treated there too and cared for by physicians and surgeons were just very great. Then again the quasi personnel there were kind and caring.

Those that now have best medical but they have the best medical centers. There really are surgeons with a lot more experience in that which those that work You're so friendly and helpful which portion of thier disease is healed with only having a conversation to of us.

Wednesday, April 7, 2021

The differences between laparoscopic and robotic surgery

In a typical open surgical procedure, the surgeon performs the surgery through a large incision. The Best laparoscopic surgeon in Chennai makes multiple small incisions through which he or she inserts small surgical instruments and a camera during laparoscopic surgery. Your surgeon uses the camera to look inside the body and conduct an operation.

Robotic surgery was created primarily to solve such technological constraints. As a result, the question arises as to whether robotic surgery achieves substantially better outcomes than traditional laparoscopic surgery.

Laparoscopic surgery has certain drawbacks, such as two-dimensional imaging, limited instrument range of motion, and poor surgeon ergonomic positioning. The robotic surgery system was developed in response to the limitations of laparoscopy. The advantages of robotic-assisted laparoscopic surgery include better visualization and dexterity.

This new technique has undeniable technological advantages over traditional laparoscopy. 3D imaging, a tremor filter, and articulated instruments are all features of robotic systems. Because of the major changes in vision and manipulation possible with this advanced technology, robotic surgery is superior to traditional laparoscopic surgery. Robotic systems are constantly being studied for ways to improve their performance and utility.

Is there a distinction between laparoscopic and robotic surgery?

Endoscopic surgery, thoracoscopic surgery, arthroscopic surgery, and “keyhole” surgery are all terms used to describe this form of minimally invasive surgery. Whatever you name it, the operation often involves a thin camera called a laparoscope that is used to view the inside of the body cavity being operated on.

Robotic surgery, like traditional laparoscopic operations, uses minimal incisions and high-tech cameras. In robotic-assisted surgery, the surgeon sits at a separate console within the OR, operating the laparoscopic instruments through the robot, rather than being scrubbed in at the patient's side.

The most significant distinction between the two procedures is that in conventional laparoscopic surgery, the surgeon holds the instruments in his hands rather than having them connected to the robot, which is then operated through the console. As a result, the instruments would have a greater range of motion and versatility.

Monday, April 5, 2021

The significance of a pediatric surgeon

The best general and pediatric surgeon in Chennai provide treatment for newborns, and young adults, as well as being specially qualified to operate on patients with common and complex surgical needs. There are many benefits of getting your child treated by a pediatric surgeon. Pediatric surgeons have specialized training and qualifications in pediatric general surgery.

Children may find it difficult to communicate any improvements in their health condition or any discomfort they may be feeling in certain cases. They may also find it difficult to respond to medical questions or to be cooperative and supportive during clinical exams.

As a result, when pediatric surgery is required, it will require a professional and trained surgeon to conduct this intrusive surgical procedure while keeping in mind a child's delicate physiological and psychological makeup.

For an infant, surgery may be as frightening as it is for an adult. When such medical attention is needed, you would want your child to receive the best possible treatment. Around the same time, your child must be safe in order to withstand the demands of surgery.

Pediatric surgeons are well-versed in dealing with the delicate psychological and physiological makeup of babies, teenagers, and adolescents, and are therefore well-equipped to deal with their fears or ensure that they are in the best possible physical condition prior to surgery.

In comparison to conventional open surgical procedures, pediatric surgeons are pioneers and specialists in pediatric minimally invasive surgery, which has an approach that eliminates pain, speeds up healing, and minimizes scarring. We have world-class experts from all over the world who assist with the precise diagnosis of different illnesses so that you can get back on your feet as soon as possible.

Friday, April 2, 2021


The procedures must be clearly understood by the patient. The best laparoscopic surgeon in Chennai is the most convenient team to provide you with this detail. To find out what's best for you, discuss your case with your surgeon and inquire about the advantages and disadvantages of each treatment.

Surgery is one of the most effective surgical treatments for dealing with many serious health problems. Traditional surgical techniques, on the other hand, are often associated with large scars and discomfort in patients, leaving them in bed for months. Thankfully, we live in an age of continuous medical advancement, and minimally invasive procedures such as laparoscopy are one of these blessings.

Laparoscopic surgery is a modern surgical procedure that promises to treat some underlying health conditions in the pelvic region or abdomen in a less invasive and painful manner.

It only necessitates a small incision into the human body, allowing surgeons to get a clear view of the internal structure and treat the problem with unprecedented ease. The advantages of laparoscopic surgery are listed below.

  • Smaller Scars
  • Lower Blood Loss
  • Less Pain
  • Short Hospital Stay
  • Reduced Risk of Infections
  • Faster Recovery

Since the incision is so much smaller than the massive incision used in open surgery, the risk of bleeding during surgery is significantly reduced. This lowers the chances of requiring a transfusion to make up for blood loss.

The smaller incision also decreases the risk of post-surgery pain and bleeding. Patients that have had an outsized incision typically need long-term pain relief treatment as the stitch-line heals. The post-surgical wound is much smaller with laparoscopic surgery, making the healing process much less painful.

Since the incision is smaller, the scar that develops after surgery is also smaller. In cases where the surgical wound is larger, the connective tissue that develops is more susceptible to infection as well as herniation, particularly in overweight and obese patients.

As compared to open surgery, the sensitivity of the interior organs to external pollutants is greatly decreased in laparoscopic surgery, decreasing the risk of postoperative infection.

Thursday, April 1, 2021

An evaluation of the best general and pediatric surgeons

A Best general and pediatric surgeon in Chennai has the expertise and credentials to treat your child if they have an illness, accident, or disease that necessitates surgery. Pediatric surgeons deal with a different set of surgical problems than adult or general surgeons. Advanced training in pediatric surgery is required.

Pediatric surgery is an independent surgical speciality provided by qualified surgeons that have been formally trained and trained in the complexities of treating small or less fully-trained patients with special operational needs, including those that have not yet been born.

Pediatric surgeons specialize in the care of infants. They've been taught to perform operations on babies, teens, and teenagers. They would be more qualified than general surgeons.

The journey to becoming a pediatric surgeon is one of the most time-consuming and challenging in the medical profession. If your child requires surgery, they will be cared for by some of the best specialized, educated, and skilled surgeons in the world.

Pediatric surgeons have the ability to make children feel at ease and interact with them. Pediatric surgeons are also interested in the diagnosis of diseases and the treatment of children before and after surgery.

A member of your child's care team will confirm that pre-surgery protocols were followed at the hospital. They'll also do a quick examination to rule out a cold, the flu, or any other unexpected medical problems.

Your child will be wrapped in a hospital gown and given medicine to help them sleep. You'll either leave the room before or after your child has been anaesthetized.

While the procedure is being done, you will be seated in a lounge. The surgeon or nurses can provide you with updates as the procedure progresses. You want to wait until the operation is finished and your child has woken up to understand how the surgery went, as nerve-wracking as it may be. When their child is waking up, some hospitals encourage parents to remain in the hospital room with them.

Your child will either remain in the hospital overnight or go home after waking up, depending on the surgery and therefore the hospital. The surgeon and nurses will discuss how to care for them afterward with you.

Wednesday, March 31, 2021

Laparoscopy in Children: A Quick Overview

The use of a best laparoscopic surgeon in Chennai is popular in the pediatric community. While laparoscopy in children and adolescents is somewhat close to adult procedures, adult surgery experience does not always translate to safe surgery in pediatric patients. Pediatric procedures must be carried out with a thorough understanding of the anatomic and physiologic variations that exist between children and adults.

Smaller incisions, a lower risk of infection, greater surgical precision, lower costs of treatment, shorter hospital stays, and more clinical details are all benefits of minimally invasive procedures. However, none of these advantages come without a price, and these costs, both monetary and risk-based, increase disproportionately as the patient's size decreases.

Smaller incisions, a lower risk of infection, greater surgical precision, lower costs of treatment, shorter hospital stays, and more clinical details are all benefits of minimally invasive procedures. However, none of these advantages come without a price, and these costs, both monetary and risk-based, increase disproportionately as the patient's size decreases.

Children's laparoscopic surgery is not a new technique. The enormous potential of this "minimally invasive" approach to treating children with medical problems has only recently begun to be realized. Laparoscopic surgery was pioneered by pediatric surgeons.

For more than two decades, pediatric laparoscopy was mostly used for diagnostic purposes. As a result of the success of laparoscopic cholecystectomy, laparoscopic surgery exploded in popularity among adults.

Nonetheless, interest in laparoscopic surgery in children was initially limited to a few diehards, with the majority of the pediatric surgical community taking a “wait and see” approach. With more practice in pediatric laparoscopic procedures and advancements in miniaturized instrumentation, laparoscopy's place in the new pediatric surgical armamentarium has finally been accepted.

Under general anesthesia, laparoscopic surgery requires the insertion of a telescope for visualization and additional ports for therapeutic instrumentation. Initially, only relatively large telescopes could provide sufficient illumination and clear images, but in recent years, good quality pediatric telescopes as small as 2 mm in diameter have become available. Usually, the telescope is threaded into the umbilicus, leaving an unseen scar.

Unlike other major developments in surgical management, such as parenteral nutrition and organ transplantation, which require the implementation of new treatment concepts, laparoscopy merely offers an alternative method of performing procedures that are similar to those performed by open surgery. The latest strategy would not result in any extra lives being saved. Instead, the results are calculated in terms of increased quality of life following the treatment.

Less postoperative pain, decreased wound complications, minimal scarring, a shorter hospital stay, and an earlier return to daily activities such as eating, bowel movements, and work/school are the main benefits of laparoscopic surgery for patients.

Tuesday, March 30, 2021

Why Are Multispecialty Hospitals the Most Effective?

A multispecialty hospital in Chennai is made up of doctors, surgeons, and other specialists from a variety of specialties who work together in the same hospital, organisation, or clinic. Patients receive extensive, effective, precise, and detailed treatment as a result of the collaboration of these specialists. The facilities, processes, and thus the programmes are all built to assist physicians in providing world-class care to their patients.

The first thing to note is that a multispecialty hospital is not inferior to a specialty or super-specialty hospital in any way. A multispecialty hospital is just as its name suggests: a medical care centre that specialises in treating a variety of medical conditions. Medical care is on par with that provided by the most basic specialty hospitals; the difference is that more medical conditions are addressed.

Health conditions emerge and vanish throughout one's life. Having a doctor where you feel relaxed and confident in the quality of medical care you will receive alleviates some of the stress of being sick. Since you can go to an equivalent hospital for any medical condition, your medical records and history are open to all or any physicians, making diagnosis and care easier and more reliable.

Various medical specialisations are often involved in medical disorders. If you have to travel to several hospitals to be evaluated by multiple specialists, your stress level, the cost, and therefore the time it takes to diagnose and treat you would all skyrocket. In a multispecialty hospital, all of the medical services required to examine, diagnose, and treat a patient suffering from a condition requiring multiple specialisations are available in one location.

An outsized multispecialty practise increases the likelihood of a successful surgery because they need the entire infrastructure and, as a result, support teams capable of handling any unforeseen problems that might occur. They need the ability to deal with a wide variety of medical issues.

Monday, March 29, 2021

Why is laparoscopic surgery superior to open surgery?

Laparoscopy is a surgical procedure that allows the best laparoscopic surgeon in Chennai to use a laparoscopy to diagnose and treat a variety of diseases and disorders of the chest, abdomen, and pelvis. A laparoscope is a long, thin camera that sends images of the inside of the body to a video screen that the surgeon can see.

The medical profession has changed dramatically over time, with many big scientific breakthroughs revolutionising the industry. Laparoscopic surgery, for example, changed the way operations were conducted in hospitals as well as people's perceptions of surgeries.

The term surgery originally applied to slicing a part of the body to make a large incision in order to treat injuries, illnesses, and deformities. However, in addition to necessitating thorough postoperative treatment, this also instilled a sense of anxiety in the patient.

What is the concept of open surgery?

This is a common surgical procedure in which an outsized incision is made to repair or replace an organ or tissue in the body. Open surgery is a major operation in which the surgeon uses a scalpel to make an incision as wide as 10 inches to gain access to the organ. Instruments used in open surgery are commonly used to repair damage inside the organs.

Larger incisions are needed to remove the damaged organ and replace it with a healthy organ or replacement, so open procedures are almost always required in the case of transplants.

What is the operation of laparoscopy and how does it work?

Laparoscopic surgery is a surgical procedure in which tiny (less than one centimetre) incisions are used to insert access devices (trocars) into the abdomen. Long and narrow instruments are inserted into these trocars using laparoscopes. These devices are used by the surgeon to control, cut, and suture/staple tissue. You would not experience any discomfort during the operation since it is performed under general anesthesia.

Surgical procedures: open vs. laparoscopic

Open surgery has a lot of advantages. It's a conventional surgery that's great for chronic illnesses. A heart or kidney transplant, for example, is often performed only via open surgery. Since the incisions are so wide, the surgeon has more access to the organs, making open surgery cleaner. In open surgery, the risk of infection to other organs is virtually zero for the same cause.

Laparoscopic surgery has many benefits, the most prominent of which is that it is minimally invasive and therefore less painful. They also heal quicker and leave less wounds. You won't lose a lot of blood during the operation because the incisions are small. Laparoscopy is often less expensive than open surgery.

Saturday, March 27, 2021

Laparoscopic Surgery-The safe and pain free treatment

Laparoscopy is a diagnostic technique that helps your best laparoscopic surgeon in Chennai to look inside your body and examine your abdominal and reproductive organs. This technique can also be used to collect tissue samples (biopsies) for research. A laparoscope, which is a thin tube that looks like a telescope, is used to make a small incision (cut) in your abdomen.

Surgeons must be upgraded to conduct operations using the Laparoscope due to technical advances. Surgeons who specialize in laparoscopic surgery are known as Laparoscopic Surgeons. Laparoscopic surgeries are complex procedures that necessitate precision, expertise, assurance, and experience.

What are some ways to plan for a laparoscopy?

After midnight the day before your surgery, do not feed, drink (including water), or smoke.

On the day of surgery, wear low-heeled shoes. You may be drowsy and unsteady on your feet as a result of the anesthesia.

Dress in loose-fitting garments. Following surgery, you can feel abdominal tenderness and cramping.

The Benefits of Laparoscopic Surgery:

Laparoscopy has the ability to be a very safe technique. This technique has the benefit of allowing your healthcare provider to make an accurate diagnosis of your condition.

Incisions that are smaller are less painful and bleed less. As a result, fewer blood transfusions and pain relievers are needed, resulting in a shorter hospital stay. Since the incisions are smaller, internal organs are exposed less, reducing the risk of infection. This results in a safe and fast recovery, as well as smaller scars.

How is a laparoscopy done?

A laparoscopy is performed when you're lying flat, slightly bent, with your head lower than your feet. During surgery, you'll be given a general anesthetic to relax the muscles and relieve pain.

A small incision will then be made next to the navel. The laparoscope is mounted using this incision. The organs in your abdomen are swollen to facilitate vision. The laparoscope may include surgical instruments for taking samples of tissue or for the extraction of connective tissue.

A second incision can be made at the pubic hairline by your provider. This incision allows for additional instruments to be used to complete minor surgical procedures.

Tuesday, March 16, 2021

Three Reasons to Opt for a Multispeciality Hospital


A multispeciality hospital in Chennai is one that offers treatment for a wide range of illnesses and diseases and is staffed by a highly qualified team of doctors and specialists. The patients are well-cared for, with air-conditioned rooms and canteens on the premises, as well as personalized attention.

The healthcare system is more crucial than ever to consider the world's biggest pandemic in the history of the century. All over the world, hospitals and other health-care facilities can be found. It's difficult or impossible to keep getting to different places for different treatments as the number with cases of various ailments rises. Many new diseases have arisen as a result of our sedentary lifestyle, and they require multispecialists to treat.

Treatments that are easy and inexpensive:

Since all of the amenities are available under one roof, it is simple to prescribe remedies for a range of illnesses without having to drive to different locations or hospitals. It saves you a lot of time and money, as well as a lot of other tools.

Larger groups with a number of specialties:

The most common issue that most patients face is being admitted to a regular hospital and then being transferred to a specialist hospital after diagnosis due to the lack of availability of the specified doctors or staff.

This issue is effectively addressed in a multispeciality hospital, where experts from different fields work together to diagnose and treat you without having to move you around. All members of the team work together to ensure that all of your medical needs are met before you even know it, making it a one-stop shop for all of your health concerns.

Different types of equipment are available under one roof:

Another issue for patients who need several tests for a disease is locating testing facilities, diagnostic imaging centres, and specialist hospitals that have the necessary equipment and personnel.

In a multispecialty hospital, trained personnel ensure that the appropriate screening and testing equipment for treating a variety of medical and physical conditions is located. As a result, once you obtain your list of evaluations, all other agencies are immediately notified of your needs, allowing your care to proceed smoothly.

Tuesday, March 2, 2021

The Most Commonly Asked Questions About Pediatric Surgery by Parents


The Best general and pediatric surgeons in Chennai have the expertise and credentials to treat your child whether he or she has an illness, accident, or disease that necessitates surgery.

Surgical issues faced by pediatric surgeons are often distinct from those encountered by adult or general surgeons. Pediatric surgery requires advanced training.

It's normal to have doubts when your child's podiatrist proposes surgery. a host of questions We have chosen and responded to some of the most popular. We hope this knowledge will help you and your child to get a safer operating experience.

Is anesthesia going to be used on my kid? Is it safe for kids to have anesthesia?

Anesthesia issues are the most frequently asked list, and we understand why. Many adults worry about anesthesia and it is common for your child to be even more so. The good news is that childhood anesthetics are perfectly healthy.

What percentage of the time does my child sleep?

Parents of newborn babies sometimes seek guidance about how to get their baby to sleep through the night. It's best to keep the lights low and avoid playing or asking the child in the dark. This helps to send the message that sleep should only be done at night. If possible, let your child nod in the dark in the crib so that he or she knows that this is where they will sleep.

Why is it that my child is not allowed to eat or drink prior to surgery?

A way to reduce the child's anesthesia risk is to comply with all nutritional constraints. Both children and adults should be empty of the stomach when receiving anesthesia. Often due to food or fluids being able to rise in the throat to drain into the windpipe or lungs. Children can also feel nauseous after waking up by anesthesia. Your risk of vomiting after an operation is reduced by an open stomach.

Thursday, January 28, 2021

Multispeciality Hospital In Chennai

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